
STARLIGHT at the Anti-FinTer Seminar in Brussels

On October 26, 2023, the STARLIGHT team had the pleasure of attending the second Anti-FinTer Policy Seminar in Brussels, Belgium.

 The SU-AI Cluster: Shaping the Future of AI in Civil Security

In 2021, the European Commission set the stage for a transformative journey into the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and civil security.

STARLIGHT at the popAI Final Event

STARLIGHT attended the popAI final event on September 19 in Brussels.

STARLIGHT at CRITIS2023: Advancing AI for Security

STARLIGHT was presented at the 18th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructure Security (CRITIS2023).

STARLIGHT Advances in AI-Powered Logo Detection for Criminal Investigations

Dr. Henri Bouma introduced a STARLIGHT collaborative paper at the SPIE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications.

STARLIGHT at the INFINITY Final Demonstration Event

STARLIGHT presented their work during the INFINITY final demonstration event, along with sister project APPRAISE.


The STARLIGHT Project Coordinator, Dr.

STARLIGHT was showcased during the Cyber Journey event in Italy

On June 22nd, 2023, the STARLIGHT partner, Pluribus One, hosted its the Second Edition of

STARLIGHT presented at the ALIGNER’s 5th Workshop

The STARLIGHT consortium attended the 5th public workshop of the EU-funded ALIGNER project on June 21st and 22nd, 2023, in Sankt Augustin, G

Discovering and understanding data using AI

An update on Work Package 6, led by the Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas (CERTH).